Fisheries Advisor Gets What He Deserves

by ryno on February 17, 2012

By SeafoodSource staff
13 February, 2012 – A federal judge in Anchorage has fined and sentenced to five months in prison a former member of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council who pled guilty to violating federal fisheries regulations.
U.S. District Court Judge H. Russel Holland handed down the sentence on 7 February for Arne Fuglvog, 48, of Petersburg, a former fisheries aide to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who was a top contender to head the National Marine Fisheries Service before he withdrew his application.
Holland also ordered Fuglvog to pay a USD 50,000 fine and to give the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation USD 100,000 for improving fish habitat in coastal areas of the Gulf of Alaska. The judge noted that Fuglvog had no prior criminal record, but also made clear his concern over damage to public confidence when public officials fail to abide by the law.

“The really serious damage that has been done here is to the public’s confidence and integrity of the North Pacific Fishery Management System,” the judge said.

This is one of the people who are involved with commercial fishing, the federal government, and the catch reduction placed on the sport fishing fleet.  Glad to see that a judge made sure justice was served.  These are the people that need to be thrown out if they are going to put their personal interests before those of the people.

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